Desktop Themes 2000
Offical Cyber Chicken Theme1 (800x600).theme
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Text File
140 lines
; -- www.cyber-chicken.com
; --
; -- Created By: Thomas Brooke, WHOA! Multimedia Entertainment Inc.
; -- Version No: 1.0
; --
; -- Additional Information:
; -- All artwork used herein is the property of WHOA! M.E. Inc. All rights reserved.
DefaultValue=%ThemeDir%CCtheme\CCtheme My Computer.ico
DefaultValue=%ThemeDir%CCtheme\CCtheme Network Neighborhood.ico
full=%ThemeDir%CCtheme\CCtheme Recycle Full.ico
empty=%ThemeDir%CCtheme\CCtheme REcycle Empty.ico
[Control Panel\Cursors]
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Wait=%ThemeDir%CCtheme\CCtheme CCwait.ani
NWPen=%ThemeDir%CCtheme\CCtheme CCNWPen.cur
No=%ThemeDir%CCtheme\CCtheme CCNo.cur
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SizeNWSE=%ThemeDir%CCtheme\CCtheme CCdiag2.cur
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SizeAll=%ThemeDir%CCtheme\CCtheme CCresize.cur
UpArrow=%ThemeDir%CCtheme\CCtheme CCuparrow.cur
DefaultValue=Windows default
[Control Panel\Desktop]
Wallpaper=%ThemeDir%CCtheme\CCtheme CCbackground.jpg
ScreenSaveActive = 0
[Control Panel\Colors]
ActiveTitle=250 165 5
Background=0 0 0
Hilight=250 165 5
HilightText=0 0 0
TitleText=0 0 0
Window=255 255 255
WindowText=0 0 0
Scrollbar=232 232 232
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ButtonShadow=144 144 144
GrayText=144 144 144
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ButtonDkShadow=0 0 0
ButtonLight=216 216 216
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InfoWindow=255 255 225
DefaultValue=%ThemeDir%CCtheme\CCtheme CCwhoosh.wav
DefaultValue=%ThemeDir%CCtheme\CCtheme CCcry.wav
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DefaultValue=%ThemeDir%CCtheme\CCtheme CCwhoosh.wav
DefaultValue=%ThemeDir%CCtheme\CCtheme CCwhoosh.wav
DefaultValue=%ThemeDir%CCtheme\CCtheme CCgun2.wav
DefaultValue=%ThemeDir%CCtheme\CCtheme CClaugh.wav
DefaultValue=%ThemeDir%CCtheme\CCtheme CCrooster.wav
DefaultValue=%ThemeDir%CCtheme\CCtheme CCalley.wav
DefaultValue=%ThemeDir%CCtheme\CCtheme CCeye.wav
DefaultValue=%ThemeDir%CCtheme\CCtheme CCwar.wav
DefaultValue=%ThemeDir%CCtheme\CCtheme CCpuke.wav
DefaultValue=%ThemeDir%CCtheme\CCtheme CCwar.wav
DefaultValue=%ThemeDir%CCtheme\CCtheme CCalley.wav
DefaultValue=%ThemeDir%CCtheme\CCtheme CCscream.wav
DefaultValue=%ThemeDir%CCtheme\CCtheme CCMotown.wav
DefaultValue=%ThemeDir%CCtheme\CCtheme CCfight.wav
DefaultValue=%ThemeDir%CCtheme\CCtheme CCsnore.wav
DefaultValue=%ThemeDir%CCtheme\CCtheme CCsurf.wav
DefaultValue=%ThemeDir%CCtheme\CCtheme CCeat.wav
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